注:拉布拉多寻回猎犬中文标准翻译自FCI拉布拉多标准英文版,该标准中文版已发布于CKU新官网-犬种百科FCI-Standard N° 122FCI-国际纯种犬标准第 122 号LABRADOR RETRIEVER拉布拉多寻回猎犬
▲ 本图片为FCI犬种标准配图,并不一定代表该犬种的理想类型ORIGIN: Great Britain起源国:英国UTILIZATION: Retriever用途:寻回猎犬。FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 8 Retrievers, Flushing dogs,Water dogs.Section 1 Retrievers.FCI分组:第8组 寻猎犬、激飞猎犬和水猎犬第5类 寻回猎犬有工作犬测试。BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: It is popularly thought that the Labrador Retriever originated on the coast of Newfoundland where fishermen were seen to use a dog of similar appearance to retrieve fish. An excellent water dog, his weather-resistant coat and unique tail, likened to that of an otter because of its shape, emphasise this trait.Comparatively speaking, the Labrador is not a very old breed, its breed club having been formed in 1916 and the Yellow LabradorClub having been founded in 1925. It was in field trialling that the Labrador found early fame, having been originally introduced tothese shores in the late 1800s by Col Peter Hawker and the Earl of Malmesbury. It was a dog called Malmesbury Tramp which wasdescribed by Lorna, Countess Howe as one of the ‘tap roots’ of the modern Labrador.历史沿革:通常认为拉布拉多巡回猎犬起源于纽芬兰海岸地区,该地区的渔民在工作时曾使用外形相似的犬去捡回捕到的鱼。这是一种优秀的水猎犬,尤其是能抵抗风雨的被毛和类似于水獭的独特的尾巴,使得该犬种水中工作的能力极为突出。相比较而言,拉布拉多犬种的历史并不太久远。第一个拉布拉多俱乐部成立于1916年,而第一个黄色拉布拉多俱乐部成立于1925年。在后来对该犬种的场地实验中发现拉布拉多更早之前的历史。该犬种在19世纪末由Col Peter Hawker先生和Malmesbury伯爵引进到了当地海岸地区。该犬种被当时罗娜·豪女伯爵描述为蒙资贝利流浪者,因此罗娜·豪女伯爵也被认为是现代拉布拉多第一代繁殖者。GENERAL APPEARANCE:Strongly built, short-coupled, very active; (which precludes excessive body weight or substance) broad in skull; broad and deep through chest and ribs; broad and strong over loins and hindquarters.总体外形:身体结实,腰紧凑,富有活力(因此能防止体重超重或骨量过多);头骨宽;胸部和肋骨宽且深;腰和后肢宽且强壮。BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Good-tempered, very agile. Excellent nose, soft mouth; keen lover of water. Adaptable,devoted companion.Intelligent, keen and biddable, with a strong will to please. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness.行为/秉性:脾气好,非常机敏。嗅觉发达,口吻柔软;喜水。适应能力强,是忠实的伴侣犬。聪明,敏锐且顺从,有强烈的讨好主人的意愿。本性温和,无攻击性,不过分羞怯。HEAD: 头部CRANIAL REGION颅部区域Skull: Broad. Clean-cut without fleshy cheeks.头骨:宽。轮廓分明,面颊不丰满。Stop: Defined.额段:明显。FACIAL REGION面部区域Nose: Wide, nostrils well developed.鼻:宽,鼻孔发育良好。Muzzle: Powerful, not snipy.口吻:有力,但不狭长。Jaws/Teeth: Jaws of medium length, jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closelyoverlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.颌/牙齿:颌中等大小,颌和牙齿都很强壮,拥有完整且规则的剪状咬合,也就是上牙紧扣下牙,颌呈方形。Eyes: Medium size, expressing intelligence and good temper; brown or hazel.眼睛:中等大小,眼神聪明并表现出其温和的性情。棕色或浅褐色。Ears: Not large or heavy, hanging close to head and set rather far back.耳朵:不大也不重,紧贴头部,位置靠后。NECK: Clean, strong, powerful, set into well placed shoulders.颈部:干净,强壮有力,与肩部连接良好。BODY: 躯干:Topline : Level.背线:水平。Loin: Wide, short-coupled and strong.腰: 宽,躯干短且强壮。Chest: Of good width and depth, with well sprung barrel ribs – this effect not to be produced by carrying excessive weight.胸:宽度和深度适当,肋骨扩张良好(但此效果并非由肥胖导致)TAIL: Distinctive feature, very thick towards base, gradually tapering towards tip, medium length, free from feathering, but clothed thickly all round with short, thick, dense coat, thus giving “rounded” appearance described as “Otter” tail. May be carried gaily, but should not curl over back.尾:特征明显,靠近尾根部粗,至尾尖逐渐变细。中等长度,没有饰毛,但整条尾巴覆有短、厚、密的被毛,给人以圆润之感,因此称作水獭尾。姿态欢快,但不得卷曲过背。LIMBSFOREQUARTERS四肢前躯General appearance: Forelegs straight from elbow to ground when viewed from either front or side.总体外形:不论从正面还是侧面看,前腿从肘部到地面都应是垂直的。Shoulder: Long and sloping.肩:长且倾斜。Forearm: Forelegs well boned and straight.上臂:前腿上臂部分骨骼发育良好,直。Forefeet: Round, compact; well-arched toes and well developed pads.前足:圆润,紧凑,脚趾自然呈拱形,脚垫结实,发育良好。HINDQUARTERS后躯General appearance: Well developed hindquarters, not sloping to tail.整体外形:后驱发育良好,至尾部不倾斜。Stifle (Knee): Well turned.后膝关节:弯曲自然,灵活。Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Hocks well let down. Cowhocks highly undesirable.后腿系部:跖骨自然下垂,不能是牛肢。Hind feet: Round, compact; well-arched toes and well developed pads.后足:圆润,紧凑,脚趾自然呈拱形,脚垫结实,发育良好。GAIT/MOVEMENT: Free, covering adequate ground; straight and true in front and rear.步态/动态: 自如,步幅大;前后步态直且稳。COAT被毛Hair:Distinctive feature, short, dense, without wave or feathering, giving fairly hard feel to the touch; weather-resistant undercoat.毛质:特征明显,短且密,不呈现波浪状,无多余饰毛,触摸时感觉坚硬。底毛可抵御恶劣天气。Colour: Wholly black, yellow or liver/chocolate. Yellows range from light cream to red fox. Small white spot on chest permissible.毛色:完全的黑色,黄色或深赤褐色/巧克力色。黄色可为从浅奶油色到红狐色的任何色调。胸部允许有小的白色斑点。SIZE AND WEIGHT尺寸和重量Height at the withers: Males 56 – 57 cms.Females 54 – 56 cms.肩高:公犬56-57厘米,母犬54-56厘米。FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should beregarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on its ability to perform its traditional work.缺陷:任何与上述各点的背离均视为缺陷,其缺陷严重性严格地与其缺陷的程度及其对犬只的健康和福利以及他履行它的传统的工作的能力成比例。DISQUALIFYING FAULTS:· Aggresive or overly shy.· Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.失格缺陷: 犬只有攻击性或过度羞怯 任何在身体和行为上明显失常的犬只应视为失格。N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fullydescended into the scrotum. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typicalconformation, should be used for breeding.注: 公犬具备两个明显正常且完全置于阴囊的睾丸 只有身体机能以及临床表现健康的,具备典型犬种结构的犬只,才可用于繁殖。The latest amendments are in bold characters.最新修改的部分以黑体字显示。
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