动物百科小编_天使兎兎。给大家整理了Milax gagates的档案资料,包括Milax gagates的图片、Milax gagates所属门、纲、目、科及Milax gagates描述介绍、Milax gagates标本等与Milax gagates相关的详细信息。
Milax gagates档案信息
拉丁名:Milax gagates
门:软体动物门 Mollusca
纲:腹足纲 Gastropoda
目:柄眼目 Stylommatophora
科:大蛞蝓科 Milacidae
描述:维基百科Milax gagates, known by the common name greenhouse slug, is a species of air-breathing, keeled, land slug, a shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusk in the family Milacidae. [2]Contents [hide] 1 Description2 Distribution3 Ecology4 ReferencesDescription[edit]The body of Milax gagates is an even dark grey to black, although it has somewhat lighter sides.[3] There are no pigment spots.[3] The mantle is relatively large (35-40% of body length), with distinct grooves.[3] The keel is prominent between mantle and posterior end.[3] Skin sculpture is weak. There are 16-17 grooves between keel and pneumostome.[3] The sole of the foot has blackish lateral zones and a lighter medial zone.[3]Milax gagates is up to 50 mm long.[3] Preserved specimen have a length of 25–30 mm and a width of 6–8 mm.[3] The weight of adult slugs ranges from 991.2 mg to 3308.0 mg.[4]Reproductive system: The penis is rounded, and half as long as the epiphallus.[3] The epiphallus is slightly widened and truncated (as if cut off) at its end.[3] the vas deferens is short (usually not longer than epiphallus), opens asymmetrically at the truncated end of the epiphallus.[3] The atrium is short, and not widened.[3] The accessory gland consist of several elongate glands and is connected to the atrium by some 20 short coiled tubular ducts.[3] The stimulator is narrow, conical, slightly flattened at its end with some papillae.[3]The stimulator of the similar species Milax nigricans has more papillae situated at its base and not near its free end.[3]
Milax gagates标本记录信息
标本号:TM 067655